About Us
India is the country in which:
-Law makers who making a law are mostly illiterate (e.g. Our leader) Only the lawyer, judges, IPS & IAS have Sufficient qualifications & Knowledge of law but they don’t have power of making Law.
Now think how this system will run? Our Nation’s mostly all system are corrupt, inaccurate and out of order, Whether it’s field of education, sport, health, safety or related to law and order. But now it’s time to make all this in order and accurate, it’s an time to make corruption free india 🇮🇳
I know its too hard but i will do whatever i can for nation. Nation give us so much, now it’s our turn to give something toward Nation
So i am fighting against corrupt system for good nation and good governance; you are with me?
If yes then join me in this battle against corrupt system. Let’s make some change, Let’s “FIGHT FOR RIGHT”